As Nuwangi and his men approached the village with their lord Sasante. Tusukuru and the whole village come to meet with them. Tusukuru asked for their purpose. Sasante told them some thief came to steal from his mansion and that the village is currently hiding the thief. Not pleased with their arrival, Tusukuru bad mouthed Nuwangi and Sasante. Offended, the soldiers pointed their blades towards Tusukuru. Arurū throws Sasante a stone and Mutikapa’s child Mukkuru bit the lizard mount carrying Sasante. It caused chaos for soldiers. Out of rage, one of soldiers tried to attack Arurū. Tusukuru shielded Arurū from the soldier and she was the one who was slashed instead. The villagers can’t believe what happened. Out of fear, Sasante and the soldiers retreated. The villagers treated Tusukuru’s wounds hoping that she would recover. Tusukuru regained consciousness and asked for her two granddaughters. She told them about her sister who has the same name as Erurū and how she was reminded of her time with her sister as she look at Erurū and Arurū. She also told them that there may be times that they won’t get along but whatever happens they should work together since they each other as sisters...